ANOINTING VERSUS CHARACTER 

We may be anointed to prophesy, heal the sick, cast out demons, preach great sermons, perform great miracles and signs and wonders, but without character, we will never go far.

Our anointing is from the Lord Jesus Christ. To keep it running, we must have the mind of Christ. To have the mind of Christ is to love him. To love him is to keep his commandments.

Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ said to the disciples, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”

Those with the character of Jesus are those who love him. And to love the Lord is to walk in love, humility and be obedient to him. People who do so are those who do not value the “gift” they have more than “The giver”.

 Truthbetold, it is good to be anointed. But it is far better to have a character that pleases God. “Character is the oil that keeps the lamp of every anointed person burning without going off.”

Truthbetold, many anointed believers do not have the character to maintain the anointing. That is why they have derailed. Lack of the required character to maintain the anointing has brought many anointed people to a place where they no longer recognize the Lord as their Master.

 Instead of being” Men of God” they have become “god of men” denying the Lord that called them.

For our anointing to bless us and others, we must take Godly character along with it, if not, Satan will make sure that we fall. Let us be careful with many have fallen and many more will still fall.

Brethren, let us beware of pride. Let us walk in love, be humble and obedient to the Lord who has called us. This is what we need to keep going without falling. God bless you. 

Source:   “Truth be told” (TBT) series

 Author:   Apostle Frank B. Ogbu

                  Head Pastor/Overseer

                  Champion Grace Eternal Ministries

                   Ayikai Doblo, Amasaman 

                   Accra, Ghana


Tel: +233 2470 16970


Twitter: @apostlefrank01

Instagram: @apostlefrank01

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