Classification of Film in Ghana Leave a comment

The classification of movies is done after a three-member panel of the previewing committee have seen the film, and subject to the content may classify it as:

  • U” rating – Universal viewing which is suitable for all the age categories.
  • A” rating – contains some level of violence, strong language or nudity and therefore requires parental guidance.
  • X” rating – strictly adult viewing and not suitable for public or television screening.

A movie may be rejected on the following grounds:

  • Excessive violence, pornographic, nudity, very strong language.
  • When it offends national culture.
  • Has the tendency of inciting ethnic and/or religious or political tension or conflict in the country.
  • Technical challenges on the movie such as visual or audio problems during previewing.

A review may be sought by the applicants when they feel otherwise of the classification given to the movie in contention, of which new set of members are empanelled. A new certificate is issued for such movies if it meets the classification requirements.

SOURCE : mcBLOG | Real No Fakes |


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