Netherlands: Man carrying guns and explosives’ takes hostages in a nightclub at EDE Leave a comment

A man who is believed to have weapons and explosives has taken some people as hostages in a nightclub in the Netherlands.

The police with guns are everywhere in the town of Ede. They have put something around part of it so that no one can go through. People have been told not to go there but if they live there not to leave their houses or look at what is happening outside.

Police said they made about 150 houses near the place where this thing is happening empty because they need to be sure that nobody gets hurt while they deal with whatever is happening.

There used to be three hostages, but those ones are now free. However, officers say it’s not finished yet.
According to what people who live nearby have said, the hostages who got away were working inside the building when it happened. They ran out with their hands on top of their heads so that armed police would know they were not a danger.

Earlier, when police told residents to leave their homes if possible, officers did not give any details about why everyone had to go. They just said it was because someone close by might hurt themselves or somebody else.

“In addition to my concern for the hostages, I understand that this has an impact on all people who have suddenly had to leave their homes, as well as on the entrepreneurs in the centre, as all shops remain closed for the time being.

“I hope for their understanding, especially on this day before Easter. The authorities involved are making every effort to resolve the situation in a safe and peaceful manner. As soon as more information becomes available, we will share it with you.”

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