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Many people say things which are wrong without their knowledge. And it works against them. For instance, a lot of believers in Christ pray to God to change their destinies. That is a wrong prayer.
Why do you want God to change your destiny? From what to what?
The people of old did not sing a song without understanding its meaning. That’s why the old time hymns are forever relevant.
We are more interested in songs which appeal to the flesh than speak to our spirits.
Most church houses have become more of a theatre of comedy than a place of worship.
Truth be told, it is not scriptural to sing a song which says that God will change someone’s destiny. That is because God will not do such a thing.
Jeremiah was destined by God to be a Prophet to the nations. He accomplished that.
John the Baptist was destined to prepare the way for the Lord, he accomplished it.
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to die to save the world from sin, he fulfilled his destiny.
Moses was destined to deliver the Israelites from the land of bondage. He, too, accomplished his destiny.
Can you imagine any of them asking God to change his destiny?
Who would have accomplished the purpose they were created for?
In their frustration, they have resorted to asking God to change their destiny. This is a prayer of ignorance which must be avoided.
Truth be told, God does not change destiny. He is the author of destiny. It is Satan that tries to change people’s destiny to suit his evil plans.
If things are rough, and you feel you are on the wrong path, it is possible that the enemy is trying to destroy your destiny. Don’t pray to God to change your destiny. Rather, pray for restoration of destiny.
When Satan tampers with someone’s destiny, God comes to restore it, not to change it.
Truthbetold, God will not change what he made because, he made it for a purpose. So, stop asking him to change your destiny. He won’t.
Source: “Truth be told” (TBT) series.
Head Pastor/Overseer
Champion Grace Eternal Ministries
Ayikai Doblo, Amasaman
Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 2470 16970
Twitter: @apostlefrank01
Instagram: @apostlefrank01
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