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It is said said that in the United States of America, about 1,500,000 human beings are murdered every year through abortion. This figure is equal to about 4,000 innocent people being killed in a day which is almost equal to 3 people being killed in a minute all in the name of abortion. In 2012, a research by the Ministry of Health in the Republic of Ghana in West Africa reported that over 16,000 abortion cases were recorded in 2011.
According to the report, in Ghana, the perpetrators of this demonic act called abortion who are murderers in disguise are mostly young girls between the ages of 14 – 25. It was also reported that abortion cases have become very common with the educated and the rich who see pregnancy as a clog in the wheel of progress in their lives.
Interestingly, these murderers enjoy premarital sex, fornication and adultery; but hate to keep the children their sinful act produces. They want to get to the top of the ladder of their career by sacrificing innocent souls they invited into their lives by themselves through self gratification.
The question is, “Do these people really understand that abortion is murder?” Are they aware of the consequences of this demonic act that they have no fear of engaging in?” Do they realize that God will deal with them for killing his children whom he made in his own image?
Today, the media is promoting nude movies and music videos all over the place. Only one or two Ghanaian made movies I have seen that do not promote promiscuity. Being a practitioner in the movie industry myself, I know that sex is a tool employed by most producers and directors in their craft. Many of these so called producers and directors have made it a point of duty to sleep with any lady that comes their way before the person gets a role. Funny enough, most of them are Christians as they claim. Yet their works promote the kingdom of Satan. We have become worse than Hollywood when it comes to promoting sex yet our movies make no money.
The media itself is never regulated. Sex scenes in movies and music videos are forced down our throat from morning to night by media houses whose only interest is to make money. Children are exposed to all manner of pornographic pictures showing indiscriminately on our TV stations.
Truthbetold; Indiscriminate sex has become a way of life for many people. Our society has become so perverted that young men and women are now encouraged to carry condoms about; just in case they feel like having sex as they move along. And I ask, what sort of society are we creating for ourselves and our children these days? What is the Church doing about this blood shedding sin called, “Abortion?”
Truthbetold; a lot of people are suffering today because of the abortion they carried out some years back which they have already forgotten. As one in the deliverance ministry I have met cases of people whose lives were turned upside down because of the sin of abortion. I will spare you the gory details. But believe me, it is serious. You dont want to experience such. Now, the lifestyle they thought they were enjoying by having sex here and there is no more sweet today because of the pain they are experiencing.
Truthbetold; a lot of young girls have become what I call “Executive and glorified prostitutes” They dont stand by the way side. They dress smartly and carry expensive phones and ride in costly cars. They pretend to be business and career ladies. They go about having sex here and there all for money. Yet, it does not occur to them that they are prostitutes. When pregnancy occurs, they kill the innocent child in the name of abortion. But let me tell you this, you are a wicked murderer. Its about time you repented of this evil act of yours.
Just in case you did not know, may I make it clear to you my dear sister; abortion is evil and nothing short of murder. The child you aborted or planning to abort is a human being. Do not kill him or her. If you do, you are a murderer and God will judge you. Let us show respect for lives and respect for God the owner of life.
Truthbetold; if you don’t want a child, then stay away from sex. Sex is for married people who are not afraid to have children and not for prostitutes like you who want to use your body to make money.
Truthbetold; Life belongs to God and not to us. We therefore have no right to kill anyone no matter the circumstance. Whoever kills will have God to deal with. Please if you are reading this and have carried out an abortion or abortions before, I know some people have killed more than five human beings all in the name of abortion. If you are one of such, I would advise you to go to God and sincerely ask him to forgive you so that this sin does not follow you for ever.
In the meantime, if you are carrying a baby in your womb, please do not try to kill that baby. If you do, you would have a serious painful, agonizing price to pay for it. This is not a curse. It is simply the truth. Remember, God is not a respecter of persons and no one can mock God.
So do not deceive yourself; whatever a man or woman sows, he or she must surely reap the same; good or bad, good measure, shaken together pressed down and running over. Never think that you will escape this. Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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