Today, I would like to share the concluding part of the story which I titled, “THE CALL TO MINISTRY – MY EXPERIENCE,” which you read the first part last week. In this concluding part, you would have the opportunity to know how far the Lord has brought me into fulfilling the things he said he would do through after a long waiting period of about eighteen years on one side and also how someone was healed through my ministry and what the cause of the sickness was. The latter testimony is actually what induced this story after the husband of the woman that the Lord healed gave me a gift of two brand new beautiful three-piece and two piece suits respectively. 

Our text for this part of the testimony is taken from: 

1 Peter 4:12-16

 “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.”

The above text rightly described what I went through when I was sacked from my flat because of prayer. Like I said last time, I was asked to quit my flat for no other crime than prayer. My landlady did not tell me this. But remember that I did mention that a Prophet had told me that I would be sacked from the flat because of prayer. It was not something that pleased me in any way, especially as I did not have any money to rent a new place. You see, culture is dynamic. The way things are done in Africa is different from how it is done in other parts of the world. For those of you who do not live in this part of the world, what I am about to say might seem strange to you. But it is true. 

You see, acquiring a flat down here is not easy if you don’t have money. It is always required that you make at least a two-year advance payment, which is not easy. In that light, let me say that to move away from my place and get another decent place, I needed about one thousand, five hundred US Dollars to be able to pay for at least a two-year rent advance on the next flat that I was going to occupy. That is the system in Ghana, where I live. The same applies to most black African countries. If you want a flat, you must be able to afford at least a two-year rent advance. I did not have that money and did not know where to go for money. 

Taking a loan is something I have never loved to do. So it was not in my plan at all. But the question was what I was going to do? My landlady had given me a period of time to vacate her property, and it was quickly elapsing. Remember, I could not fight the landlady over her decision to sack me, since I already knew that the Mighty hand of the Lord was behind it all. But then again, what was I going to do? 

Weeks rolled by and days were quickly going by too, I still did not know what I was going to do. I became weak physically and spiritually. I could not pray any more. Furthermore, I resorted to murmuring and grumbling. Moreover, I remember one evening, I had gone to pray with some brethren and a word came that said I was talking too much. I had no faith. The word asked who I was to question God. The prophet said God said I should gather the sand under my feet where I stood and count it. If I could not, then I should shut up my mouth. I was really troubled. Was I complaining and grumbling for nothing? 

The whole thing was like beating a child and asking him not to cry, which could be very painful. I have been told that I would be sacked, and the same God is asking me to not complain. That was not fair, I said to myself. But who was I to argue with God? I knelt down and asked for forgiveness. Then I said to myself, stop grumbling and complaining. Trust in him and let him do whatever seems best to him. So I consoled myself in the fact that I was not being sacked from the house because I had committed a sin. The Lord himself had said it was because of my prayer. 

Brethren, what my landlady gave me as her excuse for sacking me out of her house was that her husband who was living abroad was returning home and was going to use the property I was occupying. But in between, a tenant had packed out of the building and the landlord rented it out instead of giving it to me. That made the whole more painful. It was like God was determined to make me suffer. In fact, that was when I began to grumble and murmur. But you see, we might pass through very painful experiences, and it would seem like the Lord has forgotten us, no, it is not so. He is always there with us and for us. All we need is to have faith, and he will surely come through. This is where Apostle Peter’s advice comes handy. Those who suffer for would surely be glorified at last. 

1 Peter 4:12-16

 “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.”

So in the light of the above scripture, I learnt to trust completely in the Lord notwithstanding that I was not sure how I was going to come out of the predicament I was in. 

Well, finally, two friends offered to give me a loan to get a new flat. I declined because I did not want to enter into any debt, since I was not sure how I was going to get the money to pay back. They insisted I took the money and paid back when ever I had it. I summoned courage and took the money and got a better flat in a better environment. Do you see how the Lord works? He knew what I did not know, and he had a better plan for me, which I did not know. By God’s grace, the Lord had also paid back that loan and my friends are still giving me support to make sure that my commitment to the work of God is not compromised. Praise the Lord.

I do not know what you are going through and what the enemy is telling you in your call to ministry. But I want you to know that he that called you is faithful and true. He will surely see you through, no matter the situation. All of those experiences were designed by the Lord himself as part of my training. If not, how else would I be able to encourage those the Lord would bring into my ministry when they are in difficulty and feel like all is over? Remember, it is said that experience is the best teacher. 

In my preparation and training as a man of God, I have been through diverse kinds of tests and witnessed all manners of humiliation, frustration, disappointments, failures and all that. Yet, all in all, the Lord has always been faithful. May the good Lord who has called you see you through to a glorious end in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, amen. 

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